The CrunchPrep course has over 2000 questions of varying difficulties, from all kinds of concepts that are tested on the GRE. To better reflect the test experience and the reality of the difficulty of the GRE exam, our questions are of different difficulty levels, but overall, the tests reflect the actual GRE exam, meaning the questions on CrunchPrep are of similar difficulty levels as the questions on the GRE exam.
If you’re just starting out and have not studied for the GRE previously, or if you do not have a solid background in math, then you may find our math questions hard.
For several reasons, we’ve tried to create questions that are slightly more difficult than the GRE exam. Because the test center environment and your mental state would both be vastly different on the test day compared to when you’re taking the test at home leisurely, we realized it would be better if you prepared for and practiced questions that are much tougher than the ones you’ll see in the exam.