We offer a score improvement guarantee, wherein we promise you will improve by an overall 6 points if you sign up for our Premium course, or by 3 points if you sign up for either Math or Verbal courses on CrunchPrep. In both the cases, we will refund your money back even after 7-days and even if you complete 100% of the course, if:

You have already taken the GRE previously in the last 6 months from the date of the latest attempt.
You follow the study plan without fail and learn all the lessons.
You finish at least 75% of the practice questions.
Your overall score doesn’t improve by a minimum of 6 points on your second attempt.

If the above conditions are met, then we will immediately issue a 100% refund of your money, no questions asked. To ask for a refund, just send us an email at hello@crunchprep.com with copies of your official scores, and we will get back immediately.